Member Benefits
BevPRO is exclusively for the independent processors who want to maintain their individuality and their own brand while still being a part of a larger group. We simply help to develop best practices, strategies and build relationships with other like-minded entrepreneurs.
We seek only those businesses who have proven they are ethical in their business dealings with both their suppliers and community and Membership is by invitation or application only.
Financial Benefits
Exclusive Rebate Programs
BevPRO uses a data-driven approach to rebate program negotiations with Group Supplier Partners to receive better rebates than individual Processors could on their own. Our rebate model allows even the smallest of Members to push the rebates ever higher, not only benefitting themselves, but also the larger members.
Rebate Tracking & Management
Nobody does rebate management better than the team at BevPRO. Using world-leading buying group software to track, calculate, collect and distribute rebates ensures BevPRO Members get all the rebates they earn and ensures they get those rebate payments faster and more efficiently than most other groups. BevPRO’s system for rebate management is second to none. Members trust the results and appreciate the timeliness of the cashflow.
Low Membership Fee
Our Members always see their Membership fees as an investment since it earns them a return on their annual dues. Membership fees are intentionally set at a very low rate so we can ensure it does not become a barrier to entry. We are here to help our independents and punitive fee structures don’t help anyone.
Rebates on top of Your Best Price
We believe in our Member’s ability to negotiate and we believe that locally competitive pricing matters to our Supplier Partners. In BevPRO, processors continue to negotiate their own best price and delivery with Group Partners while participating in the rebate programs with each supplier based on their own purchase volumes and prices.
This methodology ensures that there is benefit for both Members, who don’t feel they are subsidizing other’s purchases and for Supplier Partners who don’t feel held for ransom with set pricing.
Our model is the benefit of decades of success in the buying group space.
Individual Member unique pricing is never shared by the BevPRO Staff with any other Member or Supplier. Rebates are always confidential and are never published. This has the benefit of any BevPRO negotiated incentives (rebates, etc.) remain ‘off-street’ and help protect Supplier selling price and margins.
Electronic Payments & Invoicing Platform
Fast. Efficient. Protected!
BevPRO utilizes a central invoice and payment model using electronic invoicing (EDI) and payments (ACH/EFT) to eliminate paper transactions. Electronic payments have moved to the forefront as businesses shift to more efficient, faster, and protected payment methods.
Don’t fear though, members maintain complete control over what is paid to vendors each week with the simple click of a button.
For the more technologically advanced, there are also electronic invoice integration options available to further streamline your business and to keep costs low (no one wants to manually enter invoices anyway).
No Long-Term Commitment
We understand that you need to do what is right for your business so, if you decide, for whatever reason, BevPRO is not a fit for your business, you may leave at any time. Period.
Exclusive Product Promotions
BevPRO Supplier Partners may offer product promotions, flash sales, booking programs, and other incentives that are only available to BevPRO Members. These incentives are offered above and beyond the negotiated rebate program with each Supplier and are an effective way for suppliers to earn additional business.
Membership Pricing
Each Member will be expected to pay a very small one-time Set-up Fee and monthly Membership Fee. The Monthly Membership Fees are designed to ensure Member participation and engagement at annual events. These funds are used to help cover Member airfare, accommodations and meals to attend the annual Member’s meeting.

Networking & Non-Financial Benefits
Relationships and Networking that Fuels Growth
Everyone knows that at the heart of craft beverage processing, is relationships. BevPRO knows this and offers Members countless opportunities to form relationships with and gain insight into what the brightest and best entrepreneurs in your sector are doing. This provides Members with a distinct competitive advantage.
Your BevPRO network is your “go to” source for all the business issues you face. If you want to get better at any game, you need to play with the best. BevPRO’s strict criteria for membership brings only the best and most reputable craft processors together.
Once a Member attends one meeting, they won’t ever miss another!
Annual Meetings
Nothing is more anticipated by our Members than the Annual Meeting. Learning, sharing, and building a strong community. We understand that being an independent beverage producer can be a lonely job – nobody else knows better what issues you are facing on a day-to-day basis than those who share the same craft beverage passions. At BevPRO, all our Members are just like you – similar issues – similar challenges.
Suppliers Truly Become Partners
When great companies live by the “better together” model, the result is consistent growth and increased profits for all parties. Our Suppliers, selected by our Members for their products, service, and programs, become true partners in our Member’s, and their own, success. Besides the rebates, Supplier Partners support the Group with training, innovative products, first-looks, first rate support and so much more. Member's support the Supplier Partners with opportunities, open doors and a keen interest in everyone’s success. It’s a recipe for a wonderful long-term relationship.
How does the buying group operate?
Using our proprietary technology platform & proven buying group approach, BevPRO offers our Supplier Partners unparalleled benefits and efficiency for their business. As a result, they provide direct relief to BevPRO Group in order to help offset the costs of running our group. Not only do we save their administrative and sales team’s time and money through our central payment system, but due to our unique approach we also foster opportunities for growth that other groups purchasing organizations are not able to. Our Members are important; so are our Partners, and they experience that through every interaction with the BevPRO Group.